Children respond exceptionally well to Hypnosis simply because they naturally operate in a world which mixes imagination and reality. Their brain waves naturally match the trance state hence they learn very quickly and have an incredible ability to get lost in what they are doing.


Hospitals and medical practitioners often make use of this as they attempt to distract the child’s mind from what is actually happening. Because children enter a world of “pretend” so easily and readily, new more positive outcomes can be created through creative imagination.


Hypnotherapy has the ability can help if your child has:


  • Developed a School Phobia or other extreme fears
  • Bed Wetting
  • Problem Sleeping/Nightmares
  • Exam Anxiety
  • Social Phobia
  • Lack of confidence

Please note that depending on the age and issue parents need to be actively involved.


When our son started school for the first few years he struggled with reading and writing, the teachers couldn’t work out why but new there was a problem. To cut a long story short he was diagnosed with Irlens syndrome, which means when he looked at a page with writing there was lots of movement, which caused him motion sickness and he struggled to read and write. Finally, it was corrected with tinted reading glasses. Sadly by that time he was behind and had lost confidence in himself. We found Dagi at Mind Matters Hypnotherapy and within the first 10 minutes of being with Dagi, we felt confident and relaxed. After the first season, I knew we had finally found something that was going to work for our son and I was right, Dagi has made a real difference in his life. Her method is simple and easy to implement into our daily lives and our son has responded positively. Since going to Mind Matters our son has passed not one but three spelling tests with 25 out of 25 which he has never been able to do so in the past mostly because he had no confidence. We are very grateful to Dagi as this has given us great hope at a time when we were not sure what to do next. Sandra