The mind’s condition is the single most important factor in determining the quality of our lives. The way we perceive events is determined by the subconscious mind. Once one of our beliefs, which is seated in the subconscious has been activated we begin to think familiar thoughts and then our body produces the emotion to match our thinking.
And because mind and body are in constant communication we soon find ourselves in a certain mood. If the mood stays with us for a long time we begin to develop a trait and after that, we begin to say that’s just how we are Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy is able to change perception so that situations, which were once very frightening, highly stressful or hurtful and upsetting are perceived differently.
- Fears and Phobias
- Depression
- Self Confidence
- Anger Issues
- Addiction
- Excessive Jealousy
- Resentment
- Grief
- Stress Management

Life Changing
In my late teens I developed a severe clinical depression which lasted throughout most of my 20s. At that time I endured a series of psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists which I suppose may have helped blunt the edges of the depression but talking about it never really made sense to me and I never felt that I was able to open up and connect with any of them. In my 30s I began to form an awareness of how much the mind influences everything in our life and started digging deeper, I did many courses and began training myself to a new way of thinking. I started a business and even though I achieved a modicum of success, I felt like there was something holding me back from achieving my goals. I researched for a long time before I found Dagi; there are many Hypnotherapists to choose from, and her credentials really stood out. We had three sessions together. Dagi is very relaxed and easy to be with, her manner is a combination of warmth and clinical ability. In the first session she explained how the mind works and demonstrated how hypnotherapy works. In the following two sessions Dagi opened my eyes to a completely new understanding of how we influence our world. She’s a genius. Her skills have completely transformed the way I think and she has shown me that anything is possible. My business has grown over 500% in the last few months. I have been to many many ‘therapists’ over the last 25 years many of whom expected me to have an unlimited amount of weekly sessions with no end date in sight…and some of whom I found very reluctant to let me go. To have THREE sessions with Dagi and then she says “Ali, I think we’re done” was almost like a miracle in itself! If there is anything in your life you’d like to change do not hesitate to contact Dagi. She is amazing. AW